2018 Bring it..

As always … time to reflect. I haven’t blogged much this year. I have read only 2 books and both were online… and I only read it purely to make improvements for my career. Career.. another thing I started new this year. New job, new people.. I must admit it has been my best experience since our move to New Zealand. I have met a variety of people and they have been amazing, best off all I have a super nice boss. Nice.. hmmm .. a word I have always told my girls to avoid. “Use your words” my saying to them to use any other words to express an emotion or feeling other than “nice”. Have to work on avoiding that one. #1stnewyearsresolution

I still find the holidays challenging. I admit we spent this Christmas with some Kiwi’s and it was my favorite but still have to fight through the holidays. What can I say, I’m a little attached to the family back home in SA.

Friends.. well now, I don’t commit myself to relationships easily. With our residency pending I might explore this option in the New Year, for now I prefer to be guarded as not making friends mean not losing friends either.

I know,  I know…Such a Debbie Downer. But then I do have my moments of brilliance and extreme happiness. As I see it, until those dissapear, I’m still OK.

Things to be grateful for…
* Seriously amazing fur baby
* Husband, he is pretty cool.. might keep him
* Kids… let me think… hmmm… well … they   are sort of cute, might be successful… lol, no seriously, 4 Good kids, what more can I want.
* Wine on demand.. if “on demand” qualifies as me asking for it and my husband filling my glass

New Year’s resolutions;
1. I vow to drink no more wine for the rest of the year.. wink wink, nudge nudge

2. I will try to join the gym.. emphasis on “try”

3. I want to lose some weight, want to… but realise that being realistic is more achievable, so might not.

4. I will bake more, which means I might drink more left over wine..

5. On a serious note, I want to try and trust more people.

6. I want to learn something new. I feel I do this every year anyway, but want to learn something challenging.

7. I want to be more patient… not like mental patient, more “chilled and patient” patient

8. I want to work on forgiving more… still a struggle, still need to do more.

9. I will not have OCD and will end this list at number 9. (Even though I technically listed another resolhtion earlier)

Sigh.. so let the count down begin…

Mulled wine sorbet recipe ready for tomorrow’s celebrations. Bubbly ready for tonight.. kids all dressed up and ready to go see some fireworks from the Sky Tower.

Happy New Year everyone!!

Keep it safe, keep it real


2 thoughts on “2018 Bring it..

  1. I realise at times I don’t know enough about some of my favourite bloggers……SA? Keep up the good work. May there be more time for reading and calming our minds in 2018. Cheers,H


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