a Father’s day poem

Fathers they are

They are the protectors of good
the slayers of evil

a keeper of justice
and the one whose ground he stood

They are the superman to a little boy

the knightly prince to a little girl
a bastion of hope
and protector of joy

They are the mechanics love

the embers of passion
a lover to their woman
and a lighthouse to above

They are the craftsmen of the future

the instructors of a better life
an example of inspiration
and the bedrock of nurture

They are who we call father and dad

the privileged ones, the blessed
and if only having one is allowed
of this, I am glad

– unknown author

Write me a song

Write me a song for every moon
Of lust and love and friendship
Lyrics of sweet shared conversations
Moments shared but possibly gone soon

Write me a song for every star
To hold on to the sweet memories
Of stargazing and sweet kisses shared
Tender touches and stares from afar

Write me a song for every sun
Abundant moments of laughter
Feelings of belonging and care
Like a flower in bloom love begun

Write me the sweetest song
Hold me close and don’t let go
Whisper sweet nothings in my ear
For I won’t be here for long

Write me a song to soothe my pain
Remind me of all that is good and kind
Tell me why life is beautiful
And explain why holding on is not in vain

Write me a sweet song of remebering
Of all that we shared in a lifetime
Kisses and whispers of tenderness
As to forever sleep I am surrendering

I’ll write you a song from heaven above
The sweetest melody you will ever hear
Filled with all the missed moments
Filled with all of me and all my love


Beautiful butterfly with your damaged wing
Is it still possible with your angelic voice to sing

My wing was trapped under a door
My voice silenced by a cold concrete floor

So can you still soar in the morning sky
Beautiful butterfly I urge you to try

It’s not for not wanting to soar up above
My wings no longer move without love

For along with the damaged cause by the door
My heart is empty and trusts no more

My wings are strong and I can carry you high
Hold my hand butterfly and together we’ll fly