Rocking weekend highs

What an amazing weekend filled with celebrations. My mom shares a birthday with my baby’s niece who turned 2 on Friday. My baby and I started the weekend festivities off on a high with some yummy food, good wine and of course cake at my mom’s. Saturday started off with a few tired yawns, but enjoying a party with an adorable 2 year old and more cake and treats definitely energizes any tired soul. After much wine and fun we spent an amazing Saturday evening indulging in cheese and wine and glorious conversation. Sunday being Father’s day turned out great. Slept late with a little breakfast in bed, another late breakfast with the kids, more lazying at home and then off to a show with my baby’s dad and fiance.
This was definitely the highlight of the day. First on stage was Stefan Dixon. Absolutely amazing. A combination of excellent sampling and a great voice with a slight African influence to his music. Definitely a very very talented young musician!

Next up we had the privilege to enjoy Fox Comet. Let me tell you, the lead singer is very eccentric and weird in a captivating and most entertaining way. Excellent vocals with a broad array of different influences within the music. They sang a cover of Message in a bottle that was top class. Definitely an indi-rock feel to the songs, great vocals and a very talented electrical guitarist. The drummer also did an amazing job. Not to leave out the base guitarist who sings backing vocals and is definitely eye candy for the ladies. As a whole the band amazed us with their talent, I really hope to see more of them in the future. Both Stefan Dixon and Fox Comet just released their debut albums, well worth getting hold of. Go have a look at and

Last but not least we were wowed by Pebbleman. Lead singer Jesse Jordan belts out hard core rock tunes with perfect pitch and amazing voice control. For such a small guy he wow’s with his powerful performance. Excellent drummer and base guitarist, but an amazingly talented lead guitarist, Richard Pryor. He effortlessly strums through cords and gives a world class performance. This band is an absolute must see!!! ,

We were blown away by the local talent!! It was such an entertaining and enjoyable evening and a perfect end to an amazing weekend with family and friends. 🙂

List of things that never change

Some things never change…

Like you know by now… I love making lists. This is my “things that never change” list. The one I’ll refer back to when I have lost my ability to remember… That’s if I remember to actually refer back to the list 😉

Fact 1: No matter how much you wish it stays summer forever… Winter is sure to follow, and yes, each one feels wetter and colder than the previous one.

Fact 2: During winter, you’ll no doubt tell everyone how much you love summer and that you’ll give anything for a nice hot day.

Fact 3: As soon as the first heat wave of Summer smacks you in the face, you’ll no doubt curse and say how much you hate summer and need just one cold day of relief.

Fact 4: Even though you want to love all the people of the world, and be everybody’s friend… Some people are not worth having in your life!

Fact 5: You’ll no doubt forgive these people all the hurt and annoyance they put you through several times.

Fact 6: You will wake up one day and realize that it’s perfectly fine not wanting to be their friend, and feel comfortable telling them that and ridding yourself of their presence in you life.

Fact 7: No matter how carefully you eat a packet of jelly babies, if you suck them and then chew, this method will always ensure that you are left with sticky, sugar coated lips that when pressed together stick to each other. Yumm

Fact 8: Don’t believe what anybody tells you… It’s always a good idea to start your day with chocolate 😉

Fact 9: You can most definitely have your dessert before your dinner 😉

Fact 10: Whatever is the center of your life, it will be the source of your security and guidance.

Fact 11: You know you have had too much red wine when everyone around you seems beautiful and you think you suddenly sing in tune 🙂

Fact 12: It will take you a very long time to realize which of your friends are true but when you do…it’s a priceless feeling.

Fact 13: A women should always have clean fresh smelling hair, a bit of make-up on and sexy underware… It’s a sure way to feel better about yourself.

Fact 14: In moments of heartbreak or sadness when you feel you have cried all the tears your body can possibly hold, you realize there is plenty more where those came from.

Fact 15: When you have two girls who absolutely love music, you will never have silence in your car… And house… 😉

Fact 16: People might tell you that they love you or even try to convince you that they care, but sadly, that is not necessarily true 😦

Fact 17: No one person is indispensable, it’s a cruel fact of life. But you won’t really be missed all that much and can be replaced.

Fact 18: If you ever found yourself isolated on an island, just hope you are not in the company of any of the people you don’t want in your life, and hope for an abundance of chocolate.

Fact 19: If there is no chocolate on the island…. Sorry, then there is absolutely no hope for survival.

Fact 20: No matter how depressed you feel, chocolate will always make it better 🙂

Growing up in the 80’s

Do you remember the movie The Goonies? We recently got a copy of it for the girls and it brought back dusty memories of growing up in the eighties. You have got to love the eighties!! What a wonderful blissful era.

It was so cool to have your hair permed and we all had the poofiest scrunchies to contain our fake curls in stylish ponytails on the side of our heads….or in a gorgeous banana clip, oh gotta love that look! We had fluorescent socks that you rolled down and it was super cool to wear several pairs all rolled down to make a rainbow of shocking colors.

We stole stuff from the chem lab and made smoke bombs in the road… Those days the chem lab still had things to experiment with and no one ever thought of stealing copper pipes and electrical cabling.

Our friends were the best and we believed we’ll be friends for life. It was super cool to dress exactly like your friend. We knew what “wax on, wax off” meant and got the urge to say “NOT” after every sentence.

It was an era of classic movies like Gremlins and He-Man and series like Doogie Howser. Alf still showed on Saturdays and was translated in Afrikaans. We watched Heidi and Nils Holgerson after church on a Sunday and all children went for Sunday afternoon naps.

We knew all the Bon Jovi songs and could walk home after a dance at school and it was perfectly safe. You could buy a whole lot of wilson toffees and nickerballs and other sweets and pay only 50 cents.

We still held annual Christmas celebrations at my dad’s work and believed that father christmas actually brought extra presents. We played Pack Man on Atari and thought color TV’s were awesome!

The boys wore white faded jeans and tucked in their shirts and we thought it looked fabulous! We had roller skates with four wheels and protective skating gear did not exist. We thought saying “shut up” was swearing and we still had respect for our parents.

The melody of the ice-cream van could be heard almost every day which was our cue to scramble looking for coins to buy some ice cream. We listened to stories on the radio and going to the movies was a huge thing.

Those were care free days when children were just that. Hardly any of your friends’ parent were divorced. We had physical exercise twice a week at school and had art and music as well. It was glorious times to be a kid!

I wonder how our kids will remember their childhood in time to come. I just know that I will forever have fond childhood memories 🙂