On this day… 8 years ago


The memories that come up on Facebook reminds us where we were at some point in time. Today, mine could not have been timed better.

8 years ago, gosh the journey.  Reading through my Facebook memory, I can still feel every emotion, like freshly tattooed skin, raw and hurting.

It takes one person to shatter your confidence, and hundreds more to rebuild it.  It’s the single hardest challenge…and 8 years on…

I still live by choice
I still make changes
I am not manipulated
I am useful
I listen to my inner voice
I don’t self pity

I choose to be me…
Perfectly flawed, not precisely cut, stubborn, kind, hard to live with, loved.

Who moved my cheese?

A good friend recently gifted me a ‘library’  of books to read. One book, very unassuming, and the thinnest of all in fact, was called ‘Who moved my cheese’.

It took an evening to read, but made me think about it long after.

Sometimes the roadblocks we face are simple signs that we need to change direction. A reminder that pivoting can be a beautifully executed move, done quickly but gracefully.

We can’t control the changes we face, but we can decide how we respond to these. 

I highly recommend this book. Simple, but thought provoking 😊Â