Halloween Fun


Our first Halloween with all our kids in New Zealand was so much fun. We waited an entire year to be full house and it was well worth it.

Our weekend kicked off with the teens having a Halloween Party. With around 70 kids attending it was all hands on deck for food prep and tons of fun! After lots of filled garbage bags and an epic clean up we were off to an early start to the Auckland marathon cheering the youngest along in the race on Sunday morning.

With Halloween finaly here today and stocked up on lollies we had tons of the cutest little trick or treaters arrive. The kids all went out and came back suggared up with heaps of candy and smiles all round. Great fun!

Maybe next year we’ll skip the party and do a haunted tent for the neighbourhood kids 😀

The end is in sight

With only two weeks of school left, it feels like time is sprinting away from me leaving me standing at the starting blocks. I love school holidays and having the girls home. They can drive me completely insane, but I wouldn’t swap it for anything. We have so many plans, and between making biscuits and getting everyone something for Christmas it seems we’ll be very busy.

My youngest daughter is starting grade one next year. Going through the list of things she has to have, I felt a lump slowly forming in my throat. It seems so silly, I have been through this before, but the thought that she has to start facing the stresses of “big school” is almost too much to deal with. I am freaking out in stages and this morning I yet again experienced one of them.

I continuously wonder if she’ll cope with the work, or get on with her teacher. She is extremely fond of her current teacher and considering the important roll a teacher plays in a child’s life, I am hoping for another good relationship with her new one. Being a bit on the wild and adventurous side, I of course also wonder if she’ll behave and stay inside the school till I fetch her instead of going out the gate and waiting outside or wherever. I hope she makes good friends and that boys totally gross her out till she’s at least twenty!

I will have to go get all the necessities soon. I suppose delaying the inevitable remains unavoidable so best get it over and done with. (Big sigh)

Worst of all, now that both girls are going to be in school I suddenly feel much older 😦 … Mental note: Will have to sharpen up my repair and maintain routine 😉

Happy Holiday

Kicking back and having a bit of a holiday with family always leaves you wanting more. With only one week school holiday we at least made the most of it. The girls started a painting that they wanted to do and during the first two days of holiday I did some sorting and spring cleaning in the house.

With dust filled lungs and some effort getting everything packed, we set of on Wednesday to join my mom and dad in Langebaan up on the West Coast. The kids could hardly wait and the short trip seemed endless for them. On arrival we unpacked and made ourselves comfy in the tent.

With breathtaking ocean views and the rumble of the breaking waves we sat around the fire pit in the chill spring air. We had gloriously warm days and the girls could enjoy the water park and super tubes to their delight.

I simply loved the crisp morning air and the smell of filter coffee bubbling away in a pot, and the assurance that with it will be a waiting bowl of rusks. It is such a pleasure sitting in the serene, calm, cool morning breeze, watching the waves and boats in the distance.

The beach is beautiful and with rocks on both sides there are some fabulous places to walk to. We went to pick up some shells and gathered a collection of miniature ones to be proud of. My mom and the girls built a sandcastle after my dad’s attempt washed away…the girls loved it.

Hubby and I took nice strolls along the beach whilst the girls splashed away and he even drew some romantic hearts in the sand for me…I am truly blessed to have such a beautiful family! It was such a nice escape and a tremendous treat for the girls. Thanks to awesome grandparents that always have patience and endless love and support to give. We feel rested and blessed. 🙂

Holiday Fun

The start of school holidays has finally arrived… no. No more ironing that horrid uniform, I mean, what is up with the fabric they use for these?  No more homework yeah. Kids are so swamped with endless amounts of homework nowadays and of course as a parent you have to assist them.  Sleeping late … I feel like doing a bum shaking victory dance – shake shake.  I’m going to have a baking holiday with the girls…yum…. Rocky road.. Liquorice all sorts squares, anything chocolate…Oh what a glorious day it is.  I think I’m going to celebrate with a monstrous, gooey cheesy pizza, chocolate brownies and ice cream and for desert a whole lot of jellybeans.  Hmmm   shake