
We all have those days where getting out of bed seems too hard, where we feel we can’t face the day…

We get hurt, emotionally scarred, betrayed, lied to. We go through hardship, death, depression, divorce,financial difficulties. Everything bad and hurtful, things that get us down, breaks our spirit, steals our confidence. I know of no one that has not experienced at least one of the above mentioned.

Does it however give us the right to use any of the above as an excuse? You can be a bad parent and blame it on divorce. You can refrain from commitment and blame it on heartbreak in a previous relationship. You can drink yourself into alcoholism and blame it on bad circumstances. You can insult and belittle and blame it on the anger you feel towards someone. You can be financially crippled and blame it on someone else’s spending. The list of excuses are endless.

Always aiming for tomorrow…tomorrow it will be better, in a month it will be better. Blaming people for where you find yourself in life… ” I do this because my mother did this, because he did that, she did this, they are doing that”…

At some point you have to realize that today is important. What you do now is important. Everything you do is your choice! No one can be the cause of it, no one can make you do it. If you aim only for “one day” you are going to miss out on all the days leading up to it, and it might never come because your perception of what is good might never be what you imagine.

Yes, life is difficult, and challenging and unfair…but it’s also beautiful, filled with love and possibilities. You have to decide if you are going to live a life riding on every excuse imaginable to explain away your actions, or inactions.

Yes, we all have those days where getting out of bed is difficult, but the choice is yours to get up and face the day. To smile, be a friend to others, care, smile, feel proud…take ownership of your actions, your words. Live a good life because one day when your days are at an end and you have a moment to reflect back, don’t let that moment be filled with sadness, don’t let that moment be filled with regret.

The choice is yours, live your life or live your past.

That little thing called Happiness…

Happiness…my entire week has been filled with so much of it 🙂 I received some very exciting news on Monday. My “sister-in-law” celebrated her birthday on Tuesday. Needless to say we spent the entire day together not knowing what to do, but having lots of fun. With her pregnancy hormones at a high we consumed an array of different things, had lots of laughs and felt completely exhausted after enjoying yet another oh-so-delicious dinner prepared by her hubby. Wednesday we set off with her soon to be stepmom shopping for a wedding dress… Excitement!!!

Yesterday was my little girl’s birthday, so we spent the morning shopping for a gift, quickly sorted the cake and set off for some baby-chino’s for the girls and some feet-in-the-air whilst they play at a local play centre. We spent the evening with the family at a local restaurant having a few laughs with some beer and good food. My daughter was sooo excited for her birthday to finally arrive and loved all her gifts and spoils. Thanks so much for everyone making her day special!!! I know she has an exciting weekend ahead, so this birthday will be special in many ways.

Sigh… Feeling very tired, and saturated with excitement and celebrations, but oh-so happy.

Creative Bliss

As you know I’m interested in all things creative. I love to write, to paint and sew and read and do all those “arty farty” kinds of things. For some reason it raises eye brows, some people sum me up as uneducated or non ambitious, lazy even. I read a quote this morning saying “keep your nose in books rather than in other people’s business”, so true. I love reading. Fiction, true life, self help.. The genre is not really important, it’s more the information I take from what I read that matters to me most. I miss reading… Not that I don’t read at all, but I read quick blogs or info etc…I miss reading at least a book a week.

I usually read a whole lot more than what I have this last year, but in the relationship I find myself in, my reading time has changed to enjoying endless hours of conversation with a glass of wine 🙂 I’m not complaining at all though. I have an amazing friend and partner and I find myself lost in conversation with him so frequently that time with him never seems enough. I need a day between every one I have just to fit in more wonderful moments. I’m a very lucky lady 🙂

I have started a small business sewing little outfits for children, and I’m loving it and feel so fulfilled when I can use my creativity to make something from scratch. As far as books go, I need to start a new collection. I do so love sniffing out something new and exciting to read. After all, for the moment I can squeeze reading into other gaps of time in my day if it means I can cuddle and converse every night. Sigh, the best of both… Well the best of more than just both, the best of multiple things. Big smile. There is an endless amount of joy and wonder and fulfillment to be found in being blessed with a creative mind.