Sensory bliss

My husband says I have ‘spidey senses’ when it comes to my sense of smell. I usually sniff out most things before anyone else does. But it is something I love. I identify people by their smell and can sit and just emerce myself in the amazing fragrances around me. From people’s body lotion, to washing powder or fragrance…it’s my most favorite. It comes with draw backs as not everyone smells equally pleasant 😊.

I also love textures. Fabric of couches, paintings, clothing. I want to trace the lines with my fingers and feel the roughness or smoothness of everything.

I know, it’s weird, but it is just the way I take in the world around me.

Tonight we opened a bottle of my most favorite Chardonnay.. the first sip was just magical. Buttery with smells of toasty oak and deliciousness! It instantly put me in my happy place. It’s like goosebumps when someone slowly runs their finger across your arm. Just so amazing.

I just find the world so much more colourful when I give in to everything that tantalizes my senses.

So as I slip between my super amazing feeling cotton sheets, with a glass of aromatic wine, smelling the faint smells of perfume as the girls pop in to say goodnight, I feel satisfyingly stimulated in my sensory bliss.

Ravishing in Red

Birthday wine…

Hmmmm…The bliss a good bottle of red wine brings…

I love a good Pinotage. Since moving to NZ we haven’t had much. They stock a few good bottles, but nothing great like back home.

It has been a while since we have had any however. Hubby gave me a bottle of Chocoholic Pinotage for my birthday (amongst other spoils 😊). By no means the best, but it was still just amazing.

From the distinct smell that excites every bit of my being, to the woody full bodied flavour covering every inch of my palette. Every mouthful a sensational celebration of yummyness.

There is just nothing like an amazing bottle of wine. It ignites every sensory point in your body and makes you feel alive. Enticingly seductive, and something I would volunteer to be victim to. Hmmm, yum

Wine.. well why not

So I have embarked on a journey of experimental wine baking. It’s my thing. I love it and could seriously do it every second of every day. I have had many successes and even more failures but it’s something I enjoy enough to keep trying. It seems like a simple concept but adding any form of alcohol to anything changes how the recipe reacts.

It’s not just my love of pushing the boundaries of what is possible but also the creative flexibility it give me that is utterly satisfying.

My love for design and art is something I will never shake. When I don’t give in to the need I have to express myself creatively I become seriously miserable. I suppose it is a bit like a drug and my soul is addicted to it.

So baking aside and purely giving in to creativity, I have designed some wine bottle labels. I absolutely love love them but then as I have mentioned before..  I would be my own best customer lol

Really hoping to improve on these and doing a couple more designs in the new year. 😁 

Happy to hear your thoughts on these..