Happy Days


I’m not sure if it is the change in weather, but it’s difficult not to be in a good mood when you wake up to a glorious day with perfect Cape Town weather.  The last 2 weeks have been beyond hectic and I must admit my mood has not resembled perky perfection at all.  It’s been busy.. Hectic at work..hectic at home. This time of year it seems as if everyone races heading for year end.  I admit I am very lucky… I have an amazing job, so even hectic days are easily forgotten. I have beautiful kids..a whole bunch that fill my life and generously add to my grey hair lol. Sigh…and then I’m blessed with a wonderful friend and partner.

Between all the kids and everything else there is not much room left for anything… But then I suppose that is what a fulfilled life feels like. I often wonder what the purpose of certain things are, and have come to realise that things don’t always happen by chance. There is a hidden purpose for everything. I think the difficulty lies in the ability to be patient enough to wait for time to pass and the reasons to appear and present themselves with the meaning of all they have hidden until that perfect moment where it all makes sense.

Like I said.. I’m not sure if it is the beautiful weather, or the amazing breakfast I shared with my love….but I feel tons of perky happy feelings :mrgreen:

2 thoughts on “Happy Days

  1. Cape Town is my favourite place in the world…I have family there and I’m jealous! Definitely a place I’d love to move to…


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